Promolux lighting is ideal for butchers and meat display cases

Lighting Fixtures for Meat Display Cases
Customers Demand More from Meat Sellers

When a customer shops at a meat-specific retailer, they expect the meat products to be superior to those found in more general food retail marketplaces. The customer assumes that because the merchandiser specializes in meat, their product and expertise will far surpass retailers who offer meat in addition to many other grocery items. The customer is often correct to think this way - purchasing meat products at a butcher or other meat-specific vendor is often the best way of guaranteeing quality.

Butcher Merchandise Must Appear its Best

If you are a meat vendor, or a more general marketplace that offers a strong meat department, you know the importance of honoring this distinction. Customers come to your establishment not to pick through discount meat cuts for a semi-decent product, but to purchase the best meat products available in the local area.

The way that your meat appears is often the most essential element that sways the opinion of your valued customers. One aspect of appearance that is often overlooked is the lighting fixtures used in the butcher display cases. Some fluorescent lights distort the true colors of meat merchandise with an unbalanced and unflattering light spectrum. Despite having the best quality product in your showcases, the use of these outmoded bulbs will result in an unappealing appearance that usually washes the product in a yellow-green light.

Poor Light, Good Light

Promolux Lamps Offer the Safest,
Most Flattering Lighting on the Market

The intense radiation and heat emitted by traditional fluorescent lamps can actually damage your meat products - not only rendering your retail visually unappealing but posing a potential health risk. This is a significant risk that can easily be mitigated by investing in Promolux safe spectrum display case lamps. Promolux is proven to present your merchandise in the most appealing and natural light possible. Moreover, the patented coating process means that your showcased products are exposed to a significantly less amount of radiation.

This ensures that your meat is kept at its freshest for longer - maximizing the retail price and minimizing costly re-wrap, discount, or discard of merchandise. Adding Promolux lamps to your merchandising efforts is the best way to guarantee that your meat products look and remain their best!

To learn more about food safety science or Promolux display case lighting, please visit our website .

To place your order today or to speak with a representative, please contact us at 1-800-519-1222.